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Use WASD to move the black character and the arrow keys to move the white character Each one can only stand on platforms of the same color, but they can jump on each other's heads Get both to the door to beat each levelThese are great for a quick project!The Crewmates are the main protagonists (to the player) and one of the two playable characters of Among Us They are the main victims of the Impostors, and will team up with each other to find out who the Imposter is 1 Appearance 11 Colors 2 Biography 3 Trivia 4 Gallery Live characters are shown as short, humanoid beings wearing a spacesuit They lack arms and have short legs, and their Among Us But We Play In Black White And With Hidden Names Youtube Among us character black and white clipart

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Crewmates can win by completing all tasks or discovering and voting the impostor off the ship The Impostor can use sabotage to cause chaos, making for easier kills and better alibisAmong Us Game Wallpaper Among Usc is an online multiplayer social deduction game, developed and published by American game studio InnerSloth and released on June 15, 18 The game takes place in a spacethemed setting where players each take on one of two roles, most being Crewmates, and a predetermined number being ImpostorsApp 1117 for iPad & iPhone free online at AppPure Get Among Us! Made A Phone Wallpaper For Among Us First Time Doing Anything Like This Amongus Among us wallpaper innersloth iphone

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